Tuesday, May 1, 2012

30 April, Wednesday
Unicorn cursor ^^

The awkward moment when Khairil saw a lighter fall from my laptop case. Hahaha makes it look like I smoke.

Worked my ass off from 10:30am to 3pm. Really busy day.

Spent Labour Day with parents at Fika since facial shop is closed for today.
Strawberry Cream Tea
Roast Beef Crepe

Brownie Cheesecake ~

I just want to spend my life listening to songs. I've been sleeping late at night because I'd be listening to songs.

Singapore is just not for me. They don't get the jokes. Like they don't get it. Like if I were to say, 'There's so much beef in this class.' they would think of it as meat from a freaking cow. And people pronounce 'karaoke' wrongly here. OMG WHY ARE 9 OUT OF 10 OF THE SONGS ON MTV KARAOKE KOREAN ONES. DAFUG.

Holy crap. I am full of angst.

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