Monday, February 6, 2012

2nd Feb, Thurs- Went to school for service lessons because we thought that there was going to be a buffet. We heard that it was cancelled so we decided to skip it. We later found out that the buffet's still going on. Hahahaha but too bad

Went to Woodlands Polyclinic to get our queue number then we slept there for about an hour. Got gastric flu at work.

3rd Feb, Fri- 2:00am in the morning, my parents sent me to the hospital because of my gastric flu. Bill totaled up to $128 and I felt so bad. 7:45am, I woke up for my 9:00am lesson. I only reached at 9:30am!

Crashed the other class's potluck session. Mr Al's brownies are to die for!!!

4th Feb, Sat- Woke up really early because I had to reach Woodlands Stadium at 7:00am. Just for Sports Day. It was really boring.

Lunch with Ruiyang and Fel at Long John's Silver at Causeway Point. Then left to Marsiling Community Centre to sing with Joreen, Kaiyi and Rui Yang! Kaiyi kept hiding the remote in Joreen's bag lololol

So when we left, the aunty chased after us because it turns out that someone put the remote control in my bag! I still don't know who did it

Work work work and Gladys visited me! I really feel that having late night chats with Gladys keeps me sane because I just bottle everything up for a couple of days and it feels so good to just let it all out. (private blog)

And she was going to treat me to Gong Cha so she asked what I wanted. I wanted the Strawberry Au Lait at first but felt that it was too pricey. So I just told her that I wanted Green Milk Tea. Later on, she asked me if I ordered that only because it was cheap and that I wanted her to save her money. OKAY HOW DID SHE KNOW. This is damn creepy la but I still love her.

5th Feb, Sun- Lohei dinner and AGM meeting with Shuyi and Fel! I really do not know what AGM means. It was quite fun because there was good food.

That day was also the day that my dear friend M contacted us again. So happy for her.

I was in a bad mood from morning till night. Lunch with Gladys and we saw SH! I feel so bad that kitty had to tolerate my mood swings. Love her. Followed her for her interview and then we had Thai Express at Tiong Bahru Plaza. (privateblog)

I almost broke down today because I have no time to study, I have so many things to do. I actually have four plans on Thursday. This is nonsense. And two tomorrow. Shall nomz on Brands Bird's Nest.

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