Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Went to school for my Student Representative Council interview. I thought it was going to some informal thing but there was a whole row of 7 interviewers (the seniors). SEVEN, and it's not like "tell me more about yourself". It's more like "why did you choose this department" "if the vendor doesn't turn up, what would you do during an event"

Anyway after that, I went to Republic Polytechnic to collect my internship certificate. Next thing I knew, I went to photocopy some stuff and I lost my certificate.

Bumped into Shafique and Imran at South foodcourt. Had lunch at TRCC with my cousin! I really miss the food in RP!!! Saw Nadiah there and she gave me such a tight hug aw so sweet


A's teriyaki + my Jap curry rice

Hung around outside S's class while waiting for my phone to charge. And then chilled at the main hall with Atu and her coursemates to catch Replug (some acoustic band thing) live. They were damn good. Waited for my other cousin (Atu's sister), had dinner at TRCC again and then we ended up in the libary, sloth-ing our lives away

Nadiah | Imran


Atu | Atin


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